Friday, January 10, 2014

Fall 2011

Hello Blog Readers,

Fall is here!Lionel and I have been help our nephew survive 5th grade! Lionel and I are getting a really good idea of what it is like to have a kid! We have the PTA meetings, homework, parent teacher conference, football, work, cleaning, and still have to make time for each other! We enjoy it! We have just both been working! We both are still in the process of getting in shape and losing the weight. Lionel is down almost 100 pounds and I'm down a third of that! We are working out and eating right!( Most of the time!I love my Blue Cheese and Wings!) We are getting ready for Thanksgiving! I cant wait to see my family and friends. Due to the expense gas prices,I don't get to see them nearly enough! I'm looking forward to some black friday shopping(and christmas tree shopping shh.....don't tell the husband)! I finally got lionel to take some fall pictures with me!These are the pictures we took below. It hard photographing yourself,lol!