Thursday, October 27, 2011


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This is the T-shirt Lionel gave me on our first year of friendship anniversary. The verse means so much to us!
Proverbs 17:17
17 A afriend loveth at all times...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What happening in our life!

Finally starting the blog!
Now that I have finally finish school,I have all this new found free time! I have always loved pictures, taking pictures, being in pictures, scrapbooking pictures, making photo books,looking at pictures etc.... HEY! I JUST LOVE IT! I don't have to explain Myself! lol! I have a separate blog and website for my photography, scrapbooking and book making.

My hubby is still on the grind! Finishing his last few classes and working. He is being a great husband, brother,uncle,son, and god-father to all the wonderful people in our life! He is totally supporting my new hobbies! (Luv Him!)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

One year already! (starting this blog)

One year Anniversary........
It hard to believe that we have been married over a year already! We really enjoyed our first anniversary in Atlanta! We had dinner at the cheesecake factory! I had the red velvet Cheesecake! Amazing! Lionel doesn't like cheesecake but loves the fried Mac and Cheese! One year down! hundred more to go!